Trauma is probably one of the main causes of
problems in young children, especially in the wake of the changes taking place
in the world and migrations. This means that adults are expected to be careful
with children who have suffered a trauma at a young age. Parents can play a
role in helping them get over the tough patch in addition to working on the way
they are raised. For example, if you have children who have suffered a loss in
form of losing a loved one or gone through some kind of crisis, your
responsibility as the parent or mentor will be doubled. Similarly, toddler toys
or toddler stage, in general, is crucial for children who are struggling with
trauma. If one talks to the children who have seen war zones, it becomes
apparent that the psychological impact of the devastation and violence is more
than the estimates. To put simple, parents and counselors will have to
formulate a strategy to narrow down the dynamics and contours of the way they
can be treated.
the Specialist
The first step is to go to the specialist if
you notice the symptoms of trauma or unusual signs in the behavior of your
child. For example, some of the children can become quiet in an extreme way,
they stop talking to anyone or start to alienate themselves. Likewise, some of
the children stop eating or going out or they struggle to do well in the
school. If you observe any sign which is odd, it is best to go to the doctor to
get the advice and get your child checked up rather than ignoring the signs. If
you have concerns in terms of getting to know the details of the therapy, you
can take initiative or inform the specialist about your stance, as it would
help you and the doctor to get on the same page. In the same way, if you have
the relevant suggestion, you can contribute in form of your input to make the
process of recovery effective for your child.
It is one of the simple steps, however, the
more one stresses this, the less it is, as lack of attention often makes the
children more isolated in the post-traumatic situation or scenario. This is why
it is necessary that you pay attention to children and spend time with the
child to ensure the level of understanding between you and the child in addition
to making your child feel loved. Another advantage of spending time with
children is that it would help you to trace the changes in the personality or
improvement. Furthermore, if the condition of your child worsens, you can
mitigate it in form of taking the relevant steps.
Playing games is also considered more of an
entertaining activity than anything else; however, if one takes into account
the recent research finding on the value of games, it becomes clear that games
can actually prove to be helpful in dealing with the stress. So, if you
encourage them to get involved in the physical activity, it would reduce the
level of stress in addition to releasing good hormones. Additionally, it would
distract the mental state of the child in form of engaging the child in
productive activity.
Therapy has also been one of the effective ways
of managing the level of trauma. For example, talking about your experience or
hard details can help to overcome it if it is done in a controlled environment
with the help of a specialist. In terms of the options, music therapy and
number of other choices can help to deal with the post trauma symptoms.
Likewise, some of the good therapists may suggest your child specific type of
therapy to reduce the level of stress or causes of the trauma or bad
experiences within the cognitive apparatus of your child.
Some of the parents may downplay the
significance of meeting with the people who are going through or have gone
through the similar trauma, however, the results of the research has shown
contradictory findings. For instance, if you or your children meet the people
in the similar situation, it can help you to make your child feel understood
and empathize with the other person and the advantage of sharing or talking
about your problems can create a sense of bond and connection in addition to
teaching you important life lessons.
The feeling of security is another factor which
can make the process of normalizing easy for your child. For example, if you
give them a secure environment to study and play, it will sooth them in terms
of subduing the negative energy and concerns that may be make them feel
strained or unsafe. Moreover, the sense of security will make the control over
emotional imbalance easy for the children. Furthermore, if you can ensure that
you will there for the children when they need you or in the worst of times,
the trauma will become manageable.
In some of the cases, peer group tends to act
as a barrier or pressurizing factor, however, if you want to make the trauma
easy for the child, you can seek the help of peer group to make the process of
getting over the impact or implications of the trauma. For instance, if you
have a supportive group of peers or friends, it will make the process of
communication and understanding easy for the children and parents both.
Moreover, you can invite some of the close friends or school mates to your home
in order to make your child feel part of a strong community.
In short, the main aim is to find the roots
causes of the trauma in children, especially if the children are young because
bad experiences at an early age can leave long lasting impressions in the mind
of your child, which may determine the personality of your child and it will
probably define the adult life.